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Radio City Christmas Spectacular

The Christmas bells are ringing! The crowd is cheering, “Hooray, the Radio City Christmas Spectacular is here to play!”

The Radio City Christmas Spectacular is an annual musical stage play presented in Radio Music Hall of New York City. The show showcases the original music score of the play with wonderfully planned and glamorously prepared set and over a hundred well trained performers. The almost two hour show combines well choreographed dance moves and wonderful melodies that would bring more on the Christmas air and Christmas spirit. The show will run from November to Mid January each year.

Radio City Christmas Spectacular displays the different symbolisms of Christmas and put them in wonderful showmanship and wide variety of colors, sparkles, lights, and anything that brings the Christmas spirit alive.

The show pictures out Christmas stories in the form of Santa clauses and chimneys, drummer boys, sleigh riding and all those Christmas events that anyone would love to anticipate.

One of the show highlight is the portrayal of the Christmas nativity story wherein, it becomes more lively, vivid and educational for kids to look forward to. A live representation of the birth of Jesus is more attractive to young theater goers to better understand the concept more.

The Radio City Christmas Spectacular is staged in glamorous stage of the different states of America with different Christmas stories to tell and to provide a wider variety for audiences to choose from.
Tickets for the show can be easily purchased online with special discounts before the peak seasons. Some shows are staged twice or thrice or successive times during the week so that this gives a variety of schedule to choose from for very busy people.

For a more feel of the Christmas seasons, one can add up to the list watching the Radio City Christmas Spectacular for a different Christmas experience you will surely remember a lifetime.

Buy Discount “Radio City Christmas Spectacular” Tickets Here Radio City Christmas Spectacular, 4.0 out of 5 based on 14 ratings
  1. katy obear says
    November 23, 2011, 4:57 pm

    I really love this play i wish i can see it


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